San Francisco Testimonials

From the day of the fire, your staff has shown again and again the professionalism and sensitivity upon which your fine reputation is built... You and Shellie Landa have exhibited the highest standards of accuracy, acumen and trust throughout the long, difficult process since then. One assumes that your insurance company is on your side; thank God for people like The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International since this is far from the truth. I feel very strongly that first, we would not have been able to handle the necessary details due to lack of experience and emotional distress. Secondly, I am confident that you were able to negotiate the maximum settlements for us, particularly the loss of income portions. Last, but certainly not least, all our dealings have been tempered with a unique sense of trust and true friendship so rarely found in today's business world.

All that Jazz - Gifts, Paper, Cards

We just didn't know what to do or where to begin. We were apprehensive of using your Company's services because we had no idea what a Public Insurance Adjuster was. On the other hand, trying to clean up the shop (a soggy disaster area), keep the business operating and handle the insurance claim ourselves, was a grim prospect. Choosing to use your services, however, was the best choice we ever made. Your fee was well earned by your thorough presentation and very satisfactory settlement with our Insurance Company. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International not only took over the job of inventory and organization, but also handled everything regarding the insurance claim, relieving us of those responsibilities so we could continue our printing operation. In addition, through your experience and expertise, you recovered a large loss of income settlement when we were sure, after talking with the Company Adjuster, that no business interruption would be payable under our policy.

Boardman Print Center

My Victorian apartment on Haight Street in San Francisco recently had a devastating fire. The insurance company hired somebody that they called an independent adjuster. This individual stated that he would represent my best interests and that retaining a public adjuster was not necessary. I am glad I made the decision to hire The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. When the insurance company tried to low ball the claim by hiring engineers and even a lawyer, you and your team were right there by my side fighting back. I would have easily suffered additional losses had it not been for your experience, skill, and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International’s reputation. I was able to recover well in excess of the insurance company’s initial offer, which was far more than what I could have recovered on my own.

Due to the expertise of their adjustment of a fire which occurred in our hotel, we were able to collect an amount which we believe appropriate and eminent from our insurance carrier.

Civic Center TraveLodge

Despite a difficult stance taken by the carrier you were able to secure a limit of policy settlement within a most reasonable time frame. It took much time, effort, and a thorough knowledge of the claims business to secure this result. You conducted yourself in a very professional, aggressive and positive manner throughout the difficult negotiations, keeping me well informed at every step. I have had experience with a number of fires and adjusters but never have I been so pleased with an adjuster's performance.

Dolores Heights Properties, Inc.

Your expertise in deftly navigating the insurance claims process was key to attaining the maximum recovery at our policy limits. From our first meeting…through the arduous loss adjustment, to the final claims settlement, your commitment, integrity and dedication to take care of every detail comforted us. If we had attempted to negotiate the claim ourselves, we believe that due to our lack of expertise, personnel and time resources, we would have been offered only a tepid settlement offer, and additionally be buried under the labyrinth of process and administration. The results of your efforts speak louder than words and in business terms, you 'delivered the goods' as you committed when you promised.

864 Ellis Street LLC

Throughout the time Mr. Verbits represented me on my insurance claims, he was instrumental in negotiating my claims, conscious to always represent my best interest, dependable in getting the work done at the right time, and professional in the manner in which he conducted his business. In addition, he was sensitive to my financial and emotional support needs during the early months immediately after the unfortunate mishap which my family and I faced. But, above all, what impressed me most about Mr. Verbits was the fact that he always provided quality service…no matter how busy he was, he would always call me back at my convenience and specified time.

The matter had languished for some time in litigation until we retained you and your consultants and experts. We believe that the overall result was more than satisfactory. We particularly appreciated the fact that you devoted your efforts and resources, including costs, without hesitation in order to assist us in pursuing the matter. Your knowledge of the opposing parties, their attorneys and carriers and matters of policy interpretation and customary recoveries was also most helpful.

Erskine & Tulley
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