Eastbay Testimonials

I was extremely skeptical about retaining a Public Adjuster to help me negotiate my claim with my insurance company. I know I was wrong in my skepticism because the efforts employed by you and the team you assembled were fantastic…In hindsight, I wish I had made the decision earlier…You undertook the daunting task of undoing all the mistakes the insurance adjuster made on the file prior to your retention and then got my claim on the right track of recovery. I am so glad that I was able to focus my energy and time on my medical practice, as opposed to fighting my insurance company at every turn. The ultimate settlement was more than double what the insurance company had originally offered.

Balaji Medical Corporation

As an attorney and real estate broker, I am familiar with real property contracts and law. Therefore, I thought I would be able to successfully negotiate a fair settlement with my insurance company without any assistance. After speaking with you, I decided that it would be worth my while to hire you, if only to avoid the tremendous drain on my time it would take for me to personally handle the negotiation. What I did not realize was just how valuable your services would be. You were thoroughly versed in the intricacies of the laws that deal with insurance loss. But just as importantly, you knew the people involved, both in the insurance and in the building industries, and had worked with them in the past. You were, therefore, able to offer invaluable suggestions when it came to negotiations strategies. I was more than happy to pay the fee approximately $45,000.00 and there is no question in my mind that your expertise, diligence and hard work resulted in a settlement that netted me a far greater amount that I could have negotiated on my own.

...Through The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International I was able to repair the building, purchased new equipment, update the energy usage and get rid of years of rerouted and unused wiring and streamline the system. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was responsible for getting me almost 100% more than was originally offered by the company experts. Mr. Tibert and his team of equipment and building experts overwhelming showed the company the true costs and the result was my business is back in operation without a loss of a single customer.

Koffler Electrical Mechanical Apparatus Repair

As a lawyer, a career labor negotiator and an author of a text on that subject, I thought I was up to the task of working out a settlement with the insurance company that would provide me enough money to do the job. Wow, was I wrong!...I soon realized that the complexity of ascertaining the true cost of construction, putting it in the form that insurance companies were used to looking at (Xactimate), and cajoling the insurance company to open the purse was well beyond my competency and experience… The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International was able to achieve a settlement with the insurance company that was approximately 75% more than we would have received had we accepted what the insurer originally was willing to pay. We were happy to pay the commission…I learned, after the fact, that the process would have gone even better had we brought The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International on board from the very beginning rather than after the insurer had made its initial determination of the amount it would pay…When a homeowner or a business owner has to face off with an insurance company without the help of experts, it’s not a fair fight. One needs to have an expert speaking for him or her. These folks are pros. What was particularly interesting to me was that Ken and his team didn’t approach the insurance company in an adversarial way. It was always in a conciliatory and cooperative manner, and it was clear to me that such an approach yielded much better results than a combative or adversarial posture. Moreover, they spoke the same language and understood the same rules as the insurer’s adjuster…We couldn’t have done this without them.

Not having the skills and the know-how to deal with all of the complexities involved in a fire insurance claim, or to proceed in such a venture of rebuilding; we turned to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and in the ensuing months we never once regretted the agreement that we made with them. The fire brought hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage to our property, and in the end everything was restored to better condition than it was previously because of the final settlement with Church Mutual Insurance.

Manor Baptist Church and Christian School

Soon after our fire, we became acutely aware of the vast amount of time that would be necessary to document our losses. Building estimates, equipment estimates, product and stock inventories, engineering plans, as well as loss of rents and income projections were all new avenues of expertise for me, a novice, on top of the most important issue to me, that of trying to salvage whatever business possible and to protect my future sales…You immediately deployed your trained personnel to supervise and assist in documenting all of our losses…You kept in constant communication with me and my father regarding the status of our claims. Moreover, we were simply amazed when, through your full understanding of our insurance contract, you were able to effect a settlement on our personal property greater than the limits of liability, even after the application of a co-insurance penalty. Without your help, we would never have been able to devote the time required to protect our future business and wish to again thank you, Randy, for the marvelous job you did in settling our claim.

J. Nordhaven & Sons, Inc.

Your team did an excellent job of analyzing the coverage, identifying opportunities, coordinating resources and available data, and generally marshalling the effort. It was worth noting here that the claim itself was a little dicey, at least from a proof standpoint. Again your team made absolutely the most of the claim and prosecuted it in respect to our insurance carrier with deft and expertise.

While we relied on our insurance company to help us in our time of need by “being good neighbors” in our time of need, Silvi and I quickly learned early that the chips were not on our side. Our adjuster was quite insensitive and simply not interested in working to maximize our insurance benefits. Rather, all along she placed obstacles to nickel and dime us every step of the way. We are glad to have met you and the experts at Greenspan. Your team did a fantastic job. Your construction experts worked with our architect to forensically document all the nuances of our home. Jenny Schulz spent countless hours documenting damaged contents that were burned beyond recognition. She paid special detail to the age and condition of our property. With your efforts we were able to maximize our recovery on our building, contents, depreciation, code and other additional coverages available in the policy. We are simply amazed to experience first-hand how an insurance company systematically delays, denies, and reduces claims payout for its policyholders who have trustingly paid premiums for years without any claims.

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