Wildfire Insurance Claim Assistance - Contact Us

Sacramento Testimonials

The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International experts worked with us closely throughout the entire claim process, guiding us, supporting us and most of all, handling our claim with a very difficult adjuster with an expertise well worth the fee charged.

You and your staff are a finely tuned organization who can go against corporate giants and produce winning results for your clients. The results of your efforts brought about a very fine settlement well in excess of what I had expected. You or a staff member were always there when I had a question, you always had the right advice and the rock solid assurances of a positive outcome.

Parks Sports Center

You immediately assembled a team of professionals from Adjusters International to counteract the army of consultants that the insurance company brought on the claim. Your construction team and engineering reference were tremendous assets. The carrier initially offered approximately $700,000 to settle the matter. The settlement of $1.2 Million that you ultimately got was more in line with what the proper measure of my loss was. You did such a great job that both my Property Manager and my Bank felt that next time any of their clients suffered such a situation they knew to call you and Adjusters International…For the price the result that you achieved was tremendous.

I truly do not believe we would have been as successful in either amount or timeliness of settlement without your help.

Schroeder Construction Services

I’d never had a large insurance claim before this event and I always trusted that my insurance company would, “do the right thing.” Early in the process, it became apparent to me that the insurance company was looking out for their own best interests over mine. Perusing through their initial offer and scope of repairs was an eye opener. Even as a layperson, I noticed that there were many corners being cut – construction materials that were cheaper than those they were replacing. I was a bit shocked and overwhelmed by these findings and I realized that I needed a professional on my side looking out for my best interests. It was shocking to see the difference in dollar amount between the insurance company’s offer and what we were actually owed, and subsequently collected. Without The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International’s assistance, I honestly would not have had my home returned to even close to its pre-fire condition, or I would’ve had to come out of my own pocket in order to do so. It’s unfortunate that in the world we live in today, that it’s necessary to hire professionals to get insurance companies to hold up to their end of the bargain, but that’s the reality.

Were it not for the assertive stance delivered by The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to my insurance carrier, I know the outcome would have been far less favorable. Aside from the financial attributes, which I recognize fully recovered the fees for your services, the heretofore unrecognized brutality of the insurance industry was minimized as well... The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International always seemed to have multiple alternatives to offer me, based on extensive experience. In your line of work, experience is what counts.

We were 2 months into the claim, exhausted, devastated, and felt abandoned. "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there" is the motto . If that's the case, we had a horrible neighbor, and they were clearly looking out for number one, and we were not even the negligent party… Please note that we had no intention of using a public adjuster at first, or think that we would need one… We were naïve and thought things would go smoothly.

Sin embargo, del momento que su compania se coumnico con nosotros hermos estado sumamente satisfechos con los servicios rendidos que su compania nos proporciono. Yo no puedo empezar a decirle el tiempo y dolor de cabeze que su compania me ha salvado en este tiempo de crisis. Lo que mas me impresiono fue que yo no tuve que hacer mucho en este proceso.

From the moment your company contacted us we have been extremely satisfied with the comprehensive services your company provided us. I can't begin to tell you the time and headache your company has saved me in this already stressful time. What impressed me the most was the fact that I did not have to do much in this whole process.

Retired Businessman
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