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Like many organizations, the hospital was disappointed with the FEMA Public Assistance funding it received—which amounted to only $4,000—after hurricanes Frances and Jeanne struck. In the aftermath of Hurricane Wilma, however, hospital officials turned to Adjusters International for assistance with their disaster recovery.

As advocates for the applicant, Adjusters International’s Disaster Recovery Consultants aim to maximize the FEMA funds recovered by their clients in federally declared disasters. They are trained to identify damages and funding sources that are often overlooked.

Within a few days of their arrival at Holy Cross Hospital, the Adjusters International consulting team identified nearly $1.4 million in eligible projects related to damages from Hurricane Wilma. In addition, Adjusters International developed conservative estimates of hazard mitigation funding that exceeded $3.4 million. The funding made a significant difference not only in the recovery of the hospital itself, but in protecting the critical high-quality healthcare services it was able to continue to provide to the community.

Adjusters International’s knowledge of the FEMA Public Assistance Program and ability to process the post-disaster scenario were the keys to Holy Cross Hospital’s recovery.