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Residential Testimonial: Dave Evans

"I could not have been more delighted and relieved that I had this group of amazing people on my side. Now that it’s all done and settled, I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off of me."


To Dow, Jody, Josh, Vic, and everyone else, I just wanted to say thank you.

I tried for months and months to present to the insurance company a comprehensive and straightforward claim with all the details that I thought were needed. The reactions I received from the insurance company were completely unreasonable. They either discounted or ignored most of the information I provided. It was like I was talking to a wall.

After weeks and weeks of frustration, I had finally had enough. At that very moment, I received a phone call from Dow, who was following up to see how I was doing since the house fire. I had to tell him all the things he warned me about were coming true.

His call could not have come at a more perfect time. I am so happy he did call at that moment because that conversation changed my life.

Once your team was on board, I immediately felt better. I was introduced to the entire team and it was immediately obvious that they knew their stuff. I no longer felt as if I was a single minor leaguer playing against a team of seasoned veterans.

I could not have been more delighted and relieved that I had this group of amazing people on my side. Now that it’s all done and settled, I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off of me. I’m concentrating on building this beautiful home and I’m finally getting my life back.

It is my hope that I can convey here that the public service you provide is critical and can, in the strongest sense of the phrase, be life-saving.

Thank you again.