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Public adjuster and firefighter charity event

Welcome to the first annual Glendale’s Hope Golf Tournament.


Speaker 1: Good morning everybody… welcome to the first annual Glendale’s Hope Golf Tournament.


Speaker 2: I’m Wayne Smith, I’m with the Glendale Fire Department, I’m a Deputy Chief of Resource Management. Glendale’s Hope is, the, ah, Glendale’s Firefighter’s Charity. This is our first annual golf tournament, so we hope to be doing this every year. Um..it’s the fundraiser to help supply resources for those activities. A lot of the things that the firefighters get involved in – whether it’s Habitat for Humanity or Car Seat Programs, they cost a lot of money so, ah, we have to find ways to generate some money for those efforts.

Speaker 3 (Interviewer): How’d you guys do out there?

Speaker 4: Um…

Speaker 5: We’re doing pretty well…

Speaker 4: I’d say…

Speaker 5: I’d say…you have to be…I’d say…I’d say, good thing we have a couple of firefighters with us… cause they’re putting out the fires on our drives…

Speaker 3 (Interviewer): (Laughter)

Speaker 5: … me and Cody…

Speaker 4: We are – we are hot…

Speaker 5: …Burning…

Speaker 4: …Flaming hot…

Speaker 5: …On fuego….

Speaker 6: Um…going out there, everyone seems to be having a really good time, just having fun golfin’ and buyin’ raffle tickets…


Speaker 7: All rightie…like to take a minute to thank our sponsors, everybody that’s, ah, supporting us in this event, and all of our volunteers… thank you very much this has been…a… a big success for the first time even though, ah, we’ve muddled our way through it. I want to thank you all.


Speaker 3 (Interviewer): Thanks…I….I… that’s…that’s all we needed for your…for your interview…

Speaker 2: Okay.

Speaker 3 (Interviewer): But thank you.

Speaker 2: Thank you.

Speaker 3 (Interviewer): See ya again, Wayne.

Speaker 2: I hope you, uh, can edit well…(laughter)

Speaker 3: Yes…yes, that’s…that’s all me…