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Public Adjuster FAQ #4: Should I hire a Public Adjuster before the insurance company makes an offer?

What gets said and done in the first weeks of your claim process dramatically impacts the outcome and how much money is eventually paid. A public adjuster will know how to handle your insurance company and expedite a maximized settlement.


Time and again I meet people who’ve tried to settle a claim without our help. As I ask questions about their settlement, they usually become miserable, realizing they missed options in maximizing their recovery. Insurance companies are in business to be profitable. They do that by controlling the size of claim payments. If they say, “We’ll paint two sides of your building and the paint doesn’t have to match exactly,” would you know how to challenge them? What if they say they’ll pay for half of the roof or suggest that you should get three competitive bids. Would you push back?

What gets said and done in the first weeks of your claim process dramatically impacts the outcome and how much money is eventually paid. A public adjuster will know how to handle your insurance company and expedite a maximized settlement.

So get smart. Get educated. Get the most...by hiring the best.