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The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International Los Angeles office recently participated in the insurance industry's "National Week of Giving" campaign. Our employees visited the Volunteer League of the San Fernando Valley to lend a helping hand with their Centre Clothes Corner project. This is the League's largest ongoing project that "provides a basic wardrobe of essential clothing to underprivileged children enrolled in schools in the...Valley." School staff such as nurses, social workers, and principals refer the students who in turn receive new shoes, uniforms, a jacket as well as a toy and a new book. The League has been providing volunteer services to the community since 1952 — last year alone they clothed over 2,000 children in need.

We are proud to have such caring people working in the company and helping in the community. We enjoy participating in our local communities' efforts to help aid the public. Giving our children the necessities they need and the confidence they deserve will surely produce a positive impact in our communities. For more information on the Volunteer League of the San Fernando Valley, visit their website at: https://volunteerleague.com/