As part of our commitment to supporting education in the professional community, we are proud to share that we will be teaching a CE course at AgriCon 2022. We will also be hosting virtual and in person booths for the event.

Tim Larsen, Associate General Counsel, and Matt Blumkin, CEO and Managing Principal, will be teaching an in-person CE course on the timeless topic of Business Interruption: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Business Interruption (But Were Afraid to Ask).

Business Interruption topics will include:

  • What does "fully covered" mean
  • Applying coinsurance - what values should be used
  • Ordinary payroll exclusions – what is ordinary payroll
  • Reclassifying asset purchases as expenses
  • And much more

If you are attending, please stop by and say hello. There will be a number of us attending in person, and if you are participating virtually, feel free to visit our virtual booth. Event information can be found here: In-Person Agenda

If you have any questions about the event, please reach out to us at

About AgriCon

The IRMI Emmett J. Vaughan Agribusiness Conference (AgriCon) offers a forum for agents, brokers, underwriters, and insurance buyers to gain the expertise they need to properly insure the unique exposures of farms and agribusinesses while networking and sharing best practices with their peers. AgriCon is a unique opportunity to learn about farm and agricultural insurance, network with agribusiness insurance and risk management professionals, and renew or pursue your Agribusiness and Farm Insurance Specialist (AFIS®) certification. Whether you attend in person or choose the virtual option, you'll take away practical tips and proven strategies for properly identifying and insuring farm and agribusiness exposures. Registration information can be found here: 2022 AgriCon