Wildfire Insurance Claim Assistance - Contact Us

Your client’s commercial property is destroyed by a fire, earthquake or windstorm — or some other event, such as a mechanical defect or the destruction of a supplier’s facility.

This catastrophe impacts their production ability, placing their business and the livelihoods of their employees at risk.

It is critical for your client to maintain their customer base and keep their employees employed, all while trying to determine the financial impact as quickly as possible to recover enough through their commercial property insurance claim to get back up and running.

With customers to keep, and employees to rally, they turn to you — their accountant — to help determine the loss to their stock and machinery and equipment, as well as to quantify the loss of revenue while at the same time, tracking the extra expenses they will incur.

They are relying on you to help them to optimize their insurance benefits. But have you ever prepared a property insurance claim in a time-sensitive situation? Do you know how the policy responds in various scenarios? Do you have the experience to develop post-disaster recovery strategies based on your client’s goals and the policy benefits and conditions?

If not, as your client’s trusted advisor, how can you best ensure your client’s financial recovery? Remember, to the insurance company, the claim is part of their normal business operations. To your client, though, it may mean their very survival.

Why not consider a licensed Public Adjuster to join your claim recovery team?

An experienced Public Adjuster can help you and your client understand the intricacies of their property insurance policy, accurately document all damage suffered, prepare the claim, and negotiate a settlement for the maximum amount.

And keep in mind that the roles of the accountant and the Public Adjuster are very different. Public Adjusters are intimately familiar with the adjustment process and all of its nuances and intricacies. They work in concert with many accountants, just as an anesthesiologist works together with a surgeon. Neither can be successful without the other as each complement the other’s knowledge, skillset, and strengths. They each provide different services.

Experienced Public Adjusters will strategize with you to prepare and document a comprehensive claim and be able to effectively advocate on your client’s behalf with their carrier.

Discover more about how our claim expertise and your accounting expertise can together produce the best possible settlement, recovery and a satisfied client. 

Established in 1946, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is a public adjusting organization that works exclusively for the property owner to ensure maximum results from first-party property insurance claims. The firm has helped thousands of policyholders and government entities in the aftermath of many of the nation’s worst disasters. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International can help you recover from severe property damage. Visit the Contact Us page or call 888.304.0104