Automobile Agencies/Automotive Claims
Your automobile agency or manufacturing facility has been damaged or destroyed in a disaster. Next, you are faced with environmental issues, loss of facility and equipment, employee well-being, loss of income, and more. Managing the insurance claim process is stressful and time-consuming; however, it does not need to be. Since 1946, our licensed public adjusters have lifted the burden of managing insurance claims on your own. We evaluate and document not only the physical damages to your facility and property, but also the income lost from business interruption.
Our insurance company was very slow and incompetent in reimbursing the dealership for our losses. I hired Greenspan Adjusters International as an intermediary. Greenspan Adjusters International performed in a very professional manner recovering the monies and properties due my business. I felt they were a great asset, operating as a third party one on one with American Hardware. Their strong presence eliminated having to do the groundwork myself allowing me to spend more time with my customers and employees.
You just suffered serious damage to your property and you are wondering what to do next.
You call your insurance company and wait for an adjuster to come out, hoping that they will have your best interests at heart.
You moved from the asset side of your insurance company's ledger to the liability side of their ledger.
We Can Help
Knowing everything you possibly can about the "fine print" of your insurance policy before you have any substantive dialogue with your insurer is an absolute necessity. Know what you are covered for and how to claim it. What you say to your insurance company's adjuster and how you say it can make a dramatic difference in how much you get paid. The more you know, the better the results.
Automobile Agency/Automotive Factors to Consider
Be sure to understand each of the following factors before engaging with the insurance company. Knowledge is the key to a successful claim outcome.
- What is my broker's/agent’s role?
- Does the adjuster work for us or the insurance company? Why they can't work for both. It's a conflict.
- Does the insurance company pay for professionals necessary to evaluate my claim? Are they working for me or them?
- Should I have concerns as to how my insurer deals with pollutants - hazardous materials - lead & asbestos?
- Warranties and Protective Safeguard requirements. What do they mean? Can I still collect if I am not in full compliance?
- Is there coinsurance in my policy? What does it mean?
- How quickly can I get started rebuilding?
- Can I continue to pay my employees?
- Can I compensate employees who help with cleaning or restoration?
- Employees' personal property and/or tools - How does the policy respond?
- Replacement properties. Lease purchase strategy. Is it good for me?
- What happens when the insurance company engages a forensic accountant? Who does that accountant work for?
- Is the insurance company using an independent building or equipment consultant to prepare a bid? Who are these consultants? Who are they working for? Do they only work for insurance companies?
- How does my policy address increased costs due to new codes? If my coverage is limited, what can I do about it?
- How do I deal with lead & asbestos? What if my coverage is limited?
- What is the difference between a schedule of values and a schedule of limits?
- Does my risk manager have the requisite skill sets to negotiate a large property claim?
- How is actual cash value determined? Why should I care?
- How do smoke and the water used to fight the fire affect my machinery? Equipment? Computers? Other electronics?
- Replacing versus repairing equipment/processing lines. Pros and cons.
- Can I recast your financial statements? If so, why?
- Do I understand why coinsurance clauses in loss of income coverage can lead to disastrous results when including labor expenses in the cost of goods manufactured and exclude those labor expenses in the business interruption evaluation?
- Credit for continuing sales. How are they calculated?
- What is the difference between Actual Loss Sustained and Sales Value of Production and how does it affect my claim?
- What happens if I open my business elsewhere and I am successful? What if I am not successful?
- What are extra expenses? What can be included? Can I use extra expenses to offset shortfalls in property coverages?
- What are expediting expenses? How do they differ from extra expenses?
- How do I project lost sales? Sales declines?
- How do I project sales of new products?
- Can I use proformas/budgets to calculate loss of income?
- Increased efficiency and productivity with new equipment. Does the insurance company get a “credit?”
- Temporary facilities. Portables. Hardscape. Temporary or permanent? How presenting my story can affect my recovery. Do I know my policy provisions?
- Temporary production in other owned or non-owned locations? What happens at the end of my claim?
Automobile Agency/Automotive References
In addition to the 5,000+ references on our list, here are some well-known names in the automotive industry we have helped.
- All Rite Products
- Avis Rent A Car / Quality Car Rental
- Azar's Car Care Center
- Bonded Motors
- Calderon Tires & Wheels
- CC Supply Distributing
- Datum Precision
- G & M Paint & Supply
- Greshham Toyota
- Herold & Mielenz Motors
- Huey's Automotive
- Hyundai Steel Industries
- Kendale Garage
- Medved Autoplex
- William Morris Chevrolet
- National Technical Systems
- Arlen Ness Motorcycles
- Nilson Brothers Garage
- Northern California Great Danes
- Precision Engineering
- Rocky Mountain RV World
- Santos Ford Lincoln Mercury
- Don Scharf Automotive
- Silicon Valley Hummer
- Standard Fabric Corporation
- Sunnyoaks Shell
- Superior Industries International
- United Automobile Workers Union
- World Auto Parts
The Difference Public Adjusters Make
We work exclusively for YOU, not the insurance company. Our insurance professionals have managed and negotiated thousands of claims for nearly every type of natural and man-made disaster. Local in our approach, we have over forty offices across the U.S. and Canada, and an unmatched network of expert resources to efficiently mobilize and be at your side.